Hollister Pride
Creative Direction/Apparel/Trend Analysis/Team Leadership/Assortment Architecture
The challenge:
”Insert rainbow fill” - the mindless tactic of brands worldwide.
This self-initiated challenge was to evolve Hollister’s Pride campaign, going beyond the generic and delivering creative solutions that are a true reflection of the LGBTQ+ community.
The solution:
Pride is power. Co-created with our partners at GLSEN, Hollister Pride Collection 2021 is a celebration of the progress made towards equality and call for action. Together we can help improve the lives of the LGBTQ+ community, creating a world where all individuals are treated equally and empowered to reach their full potential.
Using the minds and voices of the GLSEN students, the campaign promotes diversity and champions individuality. We stand for equality and do so in an inclusive, compassionate and authentic way.
Checking assumptions at the door we support our customer regardless of gender identity, race, and sexual orientation.
“Pride is a celebration of our community’s perseverance,
a big bold refusal to be erased.”
- Eric, GLSEN ambassador